4th Online Meeting
2. Logo: Spain will send the logo with the name of the project on it. Apart of posting the logo in all our platform it is convenient to make a poster with the logo and show it in participant schools. Some of our students can draw it so they will be able to participate in this part of the project.
3. Erasmus corner: Each school has to create a space where they will have everything related to our project. We can take advantage of the logo poster and start creating our Erasmus corner.
4. New padlet: about their favourite celebrities.
5. Our Newspaper: Italy, at the beginning of June, will create the first edition of our newspaper online.It must be published and it will include all the activities that we have done during this course and about the relevant situation that we have lived in.
6. Countries presentations: As we have talked in our meeting this course we will prepare at least the countries presentations related to the mobilities that should have been done during this course. The presentation must include a questionnaire for the rest of the students from the different countries. You can use for example google forms.
The first presentation will be Italy: 19th April
Second presentation will be Portugal: 17th May
Third presentation will be Poland: 7th June
7. Didactic games and materials proposals: meeting 27th April. 5 proposals per each country.
8. Videos presentation didactic games: Dateline to present the videos of the students’ designs will be: 27th May.
9. Online meeting with students proposal: The time must be during the school time. So we propose doing it at 10:30 am Spain local time.
• 13th April online meeting to talk about their experiences during the lockdown. (5 students per country and we will do it by zoom) 30 minutes. Each country will need a teacher with them)
• 13th May online meeting to share ideas related to the didactic games and materials.
• 13th June online meeting: to share their opinion about the activities that we have done during this course, what do they expect for the next part of the project? Suggestions and proposals. Summer plans.
10. Photos:To share the photos that we are taking while our students are working in the different activities of our project and send them to the people who are in charge of Facebook, blog and e-twining site.
11. Evaluation questionnaires: Poland
• April: A questionnaire about the logo activity.
• May: questionnaire about the didactic games proposals
• June ( dateline before 16th june): General questionnaire about all the things that we have done during this course.
12. To get the information about the money that we can spend on the 3d printer because in September all the schools must have it to start creating our materials and didactic games.
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